Taraweeh is one of the most auspicious and anticipated events of Ramadan; it is celebrated across the world in different forms and fashions, while some places offer 20 rakaats of Taraweeh everyday, others offer 8. All in all, Taraveeh is one of the most unique events during Ramadan and entails several benefits that Muslims must avail. Here are 5 absolutely jaw-dropping benefits of reading Taraweeh: 1. You get to listen to the Holy Quran As all Muslims are aware, the Holy Quran is the most important book in Islam. It is intended to be a guidance for mankind till the end of time, acting as the manual for becoming the ideal Muslim. The Holy Quran also has immense barakaat, and rightly so. It is, after all, the word of Allah (SWT) and so does entail with it the special blessings that Allah Has encapsulated in the Quran. What better way to spend your Ramadan than to stand in front of the Almighty (SWT) for lengths every day and listen to His word? 2. You adhere to two Sunnahs of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to offer Taraawi every day of Ramadan, and during those 29/30 days, he used to listen to the entire Holy Quran. The Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are the most recommended activities for Muslims after fardh, and so it is essential that we call upon the pleasure and happiness of Allah (SWT) in the auspicious month by following the actions of His beloved Prophet (PBUH). 3. It makes offering salaat otherwise much easier! Whether you offer 8 rakaats or 20 rakaats of Taraweeh in Ramadan, it is still much more than the amount of rakaat you offer throughout the year. Taraavih hence becomes a means through which offering Salah otherwise becomes less difficult, since one is already accustomed to standing in prayer for long periods during Taraweeh. It can hence be seen as a way through which one can practice offering Salah (see: Salah Times) regularly throughout the year, and is hence beneficial in actually restructuring our lives and making us more active and responsible Muslims throughout the year, not just in Ramadan. 4. Salah is considered the most supreme form of worship Salah is considered the most supreme form of worship and the highest form of submission to the oneness and power of Allah (SWT). It is the most apt way of expressing obedience to the Almighty and, in that, is perhaps the fastest way to attain the love and pleasure of Allah (SWT). With His merciful nature in full-swing and with the most auspicious month of the year, what better way can one spend their time than by expressing his or her love to Allah (SWT) in one of His most appreciated ways? Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) once said the following: “The most excellent fast after Ramadan is Allah’s month al-Muharram, and the most excellent prayer after the prescribed prayer is the prayer during night.”(Abi Dawud 2429) 5. It’s also good exercise! We often laze around a lot of Ramadan and as a result, fail to get the adequate exercise required to remain healthy. That, coupled with the usual overeating that we do during Iftaar and Suhoor means that it is essential that we get some exercise. In that, offering Taraweeh is killing two birds with one stone! The Holy month of Ramadan brings with it immense opportunities to amend our relationship with Allah (SWT) and re-establish broken bonds, dependent only on our willingness to avail the various opportunities on offer. All that is required of us is that we operate with some motivation, and strive to appease our Creator (SWT).